Via Crucis di Cavedine

Cavedine Cavedine TN

See route


La Via Crucis di Cavedine inizia in via XXV Aprile e conduce alla Cappella della Madonna di Lourdes. Cappella che si trova alla fine della Via Crucis. La Via Crucis fu inaugurata il 19 Maggio 1966. Il luogo è curato dagli alpini di Cavedine. Le 14 cappelle della Via Crucis sono state costruite in forma volontaria da muratori di Cavedine, mentre i quadri in ceramica provenienti da Roma sono dono di un anonimo benefattore.


Cavedine's Via Crucis begins in via XXV Aprile and leads to the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Via Crucis was inaugurated on May 19, 1966. The place is looked after by the Alpini group of Cavedine. The 14 chapels of the Via Crucis were built on a voluntary basis by town’s  masons,  while the ceramic paintings coming from Rome are a gift of an anonymous benefactor.

Via Crucis  -  Way of the cross

It is a religious rite of the Catholic Church. It recalls the various moments of the Passion of Jesus Christ, especially the ascent to Mount Golgotha on which he was crucified. This ceremonial was born at the end of the thirteenth century to allow the faithful, who could not go to the Holy Land, to commemorate the death of Jesus. Tradition required, when possible, to make a pilgrimage to Israel to retrace the various stages, places and events performed by Christ during his earthly life.