Monumento Luigi Storch - Alois Storch
Riva del Garda Riva del Garda TN
Nella zona del lago di Garda durante gli ultimi anni della Grande Guerra operava presso il 29° Corpo d'armata italiano un'unità cecoslovacca, la seconda compagnia del 39° con il nome di "Avio". Ne facevano parte anche due cèchi passati con gli italiani, il caporale Alois Storch e l'appuntato Frantisek Tobek, che avevano contribuito con le loro informazioni alla resistenza delle truppe italiane presso il Doss Alto. Alois Storch, caporale telefonista della 3^ batteria del 13° reggimento di artiglieria di stanza a Nago, era nato il 20 giugno 1893 a Ceskà Lipa, l'appuntato Frantisek Tobek, della stessa batteria, era nato il 21 maggio 1896 a Lazany, presso Litomys1. Il piano di azione prevedeva che i due graduati cechi, alla testa di due manipoli nei quali militavano altri due soldati cecoslovacchi, Leopold Jeràbek e Jan Smarda, sarebbero partiti da Malcesine e da lì avrebbero superato gli sbarramenti penetrando in territorio austriaco nella piana del Sarca allo scopo di mettere scompiglio nelle linee avversarie e nel contempo attirare le simpatie dei connazionali, rimasti nelle file austro-ungariche. L'approdo avvenne verso le 1,30 della notte tra il 2 e il 3 luglio 1918 alla foce del Sarca, ma i militi furono scoperti dalle pattuglie austriache e tentarono la fuga gettandosi a nuoto: Jerabek rimase colpito e annegò, Tobek si salvò nuotando fino alle linee italiane a Buon Porto, Storch, colto da un crampo in acqua, fu catturato da una pattuglia austriaca, infine Smarda fu preso dagli austriaci presso la costa. I due cèchi catturati vennero immediatamente sottoposti a processo davanti all'arciduca Max, ma se la posizione di Smarda fu più lieve, colpevole solo di aver voluto rientrare in patria, Storch fu riconosciuto disertore e condannato a morte. La sentenza fu eseguita alle 2 e mezzo del mattino del 5 luglio 1918. Per rappresaglia il generale Graziani, comandante della divisione cecoslovacca, ordinò un massiccio bombardamento sulla inerme città di Riva e sul luogo della impiccagione dello sfortunato Storch.
In the Lake Garda arca during the final years of the Great War, a Czechoslovakian unit (the second company of the 39" unit, which went by the name of "Avio") was working alongside the 29" Italian army corps. The unit also included two Czechs who had switched over to the Italian side, lance corporal Alois Storch and corporal Frantisek Tobek, who had given information vital to the resistance of the Italian troops at Doss Alto. Alois Storch, corporal phone operator of the 3" battery of the 13" artillery regiment based in Nago, was born on 20' June 1893 in Ceskà Lipa, while corporal Frantisek Tobek, of the same battery, was born on 21" May 1896 in Lazany, Litomysl. The action plan was that the two Czech officers, heading two maniples including two other Czech soldiers, Leopold Jeräbek and Jan Smarda, were to leave from Malcesine and cross the border into Austrian territory via the Sarca plain with the aim of creating confusion along the enemy lines and at the same time attracting support from their countrymen, who had remained in the Austro-Hungarian units. The approach took place around 1.30 am in the night between 2' and 3" July 1918 at the mouth of the Sarca, but the soldiers were discovered by the Austrian patrol groups, and tried to escape by throwing themselves into the river: Jerabek was hit and drowned; Tobek survived, swimming as far as the Italian-controlled territory in Buon Porto; Storch, who suffered an attack of cramp in the water, was captured by an Austrian patrol, and lastly Smarda was picked up by the Austrians along the coast. The two Czech prisoners were immediately sent to trial before the Archduke Max, but while the case of Smarda was less serious, guilty only of having desired to return to his home country, Storch was declared deserter and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out at 2.30 am on 5'' July 1918. In retaliation, the general Graziani, commander of the Czech division, ordered a large-scale bombing of the defenceless town of Riva as well as of the place in which the unfortunate Storch was hanged.
Im Gardaseegebiet operierte in den letzten Jahren de Ersten Weltkriegs beim 29. italienischen Armeekorps mit dem Namen "Avio" eine tschechoslowakische Truppeneinheit, die zweite Kompanie des 39. Armeekorps. Ihr gehörten auch zwei zu Italien übergegangene Tschechen an, die Gefreiten Alois Storch und Frantisek Tobek, die mit ihren Informationen den Widerstand der italienischen Truppen am Doss Alto unterstützt hatten. Alois Storch, der Telefonist der 3. Batterie des 13. in Nago stationierten Artillerieregiments, war am 20. Juni 1893 in Ceskà Lipa geboren, der derselben Batterie angehörige Frantisek Tobek am 21. Mai 1896 in Lazany bei Litomysl. Der Aktionsplan sah vor, dass die zwei tschechischen Unterführer an der Spitze von zwei Scharen, in denen die zwei tschechoslowakischen Soldaten Leopold Jeräbek und Jan Smarda dienten, von Malcesine aus versuchen sollten, die Verteidigungslinien zu überwinden und in der Sarca-Ebene auf österreichisches Gebiet einzudringen, um die feindlichen Linien zu verwirren und sich zugleich die Sympathien ihrer in den österreichisch-ungarischen Reihen verbliebenen Landsleute anzuzichen. Sie landeten in der Nacht vom 2. auf den 3. Juli 1918 gegen 1.30 Uhr nachts an der Sarca-Mündung, wurden aber von österreichischen Patrouillen entdeckt und suchten sich schwimmend zu retten: Jeräbek wurde getroffen und ertrank, Tobek schwamm bis zu den italienischen Linien in Buon Porto und konnte sich retten, Storch wurde, da er im Wasser einen Krampf bekam, von den Österreichern gefangen genommen, während Smarda in Ufernähe aufgegriffen wurde. Den beiden inhaftierten Tschechen wurde sofort vor Erzherzog Max der Prozess gemacht: Während Smarda nur für schuldig befunden wurde, in die Heimat zurückkehren zu wollen, wurde Storch als Deserteur zum Tode verurteilt. Das Urteil wurde am 5. Juli 1918 um 2.30 Uhr früh vollstreckt. Aus Repressalie gab General Graziani, der Kommandant der tschechoslowakischen Division, den Befehl zu einem massiven Bombenangriff auf die wehrlose Stadt Riva und die Hinrichtungsstätte des unglücklichen Gefreiten Storch.